Yoga and Mindfulness Webinar

To increase the balance of body and mind in this uncertain period, you can take a yoga, meditation & mindfulness lesson once a week online for the next month.

Through the energy connection with my classical Tibetan teachers from the Buddhist Kagyu lineage to the Buddha you will experience that you relax more deeply and that the working of the lesson lasts longer.

The duration of the online lesson will be 1 hour to 1.5 hours. The costs are € 10 per lesson. It can be played indefinitely after payment.

Signing up

You can sign up for the following workshops

Webinar 1: Yoga and Meditation Lesson

Sign up

Webinar 2: Yin Yoga Lesson

Sign up

Webinar 3: 5 Tibetans & 8 Tresors Chi Kong Excercises

Sign up

Webinar 4: Pranayama - Breathing Exercise

Sign up

Upcoming Workshops

Webinar 1: Yoga and Meditation Lesson

in Online

In this webinar, Hans Kloosterman will be demonstrating a lesson that can be practiced inside the home daily. There is a new lesson every week. You pay per lesson and can then play it indefinitely.

€ 10.00

Webinar 2: Yin Yoga Lesson

in Online

In this webinar, Hans Kloosterman will be demonstrating a lesson that can be practiced inside the home daily. There is a new lesson every week. You pay per lesson and can then play it indefinitely.

€ 10.00

Webinar 3: 5 Tibetans & 8 Tresors Chi Kong Excercises

in Online

In this webinar, Hans Kloosterman will be demonstrating a lesson that can be practiced inside the home daily. There is a new lesson every week. You pay per lesson and can then play it indefinitely.

€ 10.00

Webinar 4: Pranayama - Breathing Exercise

in Online

In this webinar, Hans Kloosterman will be demonstrating a lesson that can be practiced inside the home daily. There is a new lesson every week. You pay per lesson and can then play it indefinitely.

€ 10.00

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Vol met Tips om burn-outs te voorkomen en te genezen!

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