Trauma Release by Mr. Reset


Happiness is your birthright!

The greatest trauma is that we feel separated from the source. As a result, we experience limitation. There is a feeling of separation, loneliness, and sadness. Suffering is born. Remember that you are life force, joy, love, and light. Let go of your pain points and blockages, limiting experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Remember who you are again. You are the source! You are unlimited. The source is 100% creative, love, and forgiveness. Become who you dream of being.

I am specialized and experienced in addressing assistance requests related to:

  • Stress reduction, depression, addiction, and burnout
  • Light and overwhelming events, "Traumas," and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD)
  • Narcissistic abuse and mistreatment
  • Life and relationship questions 
  • Organizational matters, nonviolent communication, and career issues

I help you transform trauma to love and light, through:

Or read more about Hans Kloosterman

Mr. Reset

My Coachingmethods

Indirect way to trauma release:


You learn to cultivate mindfulness, and then your mind learns to accept and let go of something.


You learn to quiet and liberate your mind through concentration and insight meditation.


Helps you achieve a healthy and relaxed body, providing space for self-improvement.


Massages help enhance the self-healing capacity of the body and mind.


You are what you eat. Good, fresh nutrition increases your life energy and frequency level.


Helps release deep muscle tension caused by exertion, stress, or trauma.

Direct way to trauma release:

Systemic Work

You see direct visible relationships between family members and any potential obstacles.


Emotional Freedom TapTechnique helps you process traumas.


Fades the vividness of a memory and the painful emotions associated with it.


Rinke Steutel

Rinke Steutel, 58 year, (relation)coach and trainer

Alex Meingast

Alex Meingast, Director

Jacqueline & Wendy

Jacqueline & Wendy

My new book "Wat is geluk voor jou?"

Hans Kloosterman

Wat is geluk voor jou?

This book is written to increase your self-awareness and happiness through self-exploration. It is a composite of personal stories, stories from others, poems, and quotes that the author found valuable in his own exploration of suffering and happiness. It is a journey of consciousness and discovery within yourself. What family, thought, emotion, behavior, and communication patterns inhibit or energize you? You read specific texts, engage in fill-in exercises, and practice transformation/redirecting methods. In this way, you learn to diminish your own suffering and enhance your happiness. Who doesn't want to be happy? You learn to take responsibility and control over your life. You are the producer, director, and actor/actress in your own life film.

ISBN 9789492110299
€ 39,95